How to Write a Press Release That Gets You Local Visibility

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Do you want to get the attention of local media and increase your visibility in your community? If so, then you need to start writing press releases! A press release is a great way to share newsworthy information with reporters and editors. This blog post will discuss how to write a press release that will help you achieve your goals. We will cover topics such as finding the right angle, creating a catchy headline, and targeting the right audience. Let's get started!

Develop your strategy

First, you must identify why you want to create a press release and what is the outcome you want to achieve? Is it to generate media coverage, build brand awareness or create backlinks? Once you know this, you can develop a strategy for your press release. If you want to generate media coverage, you will want to make sure your press release is newsworthy and targets publications interested in your story. If you are looking to build brand awareness, you will want to make sure your press release is distributed to various publications and websites. Lastly, if you are looking to create backlinks, you will want to make sure your press release is keyword rich and includes links back to your website.

Identify your target audience

Now that you have developed your strategy, it's time to identify your target audience. Who are they, how old, what do they do with their downtime, where do they hang out? What do they read, watch and listen to? Knowing this will help you determine where to distribute your press release. If you are targeting local media, you will want to make a list of the publications interested in your story. If you are looking to build brand awareness, you will want to make a list of websites and blogs that your target audience frequents.

By identifying your target audience, you will be able to develop a list of publications and websites to distribute your press release as we craft a press release that speaks to their interests.

Now that we have discussed who we want to target let's talk about angles.

Find the right angle for your story.

Let's tap into that audience you just identified. What action do you want them to take, what opinion do you want them to have when they see your press releases, and why should the media care? We want to make sure we write a press release that speaks to those needs. You will also want to make sure your press releases have a unique angle, setting them apart from all the other press releases that reporters receive. This will help you stand out and increase the chances of your press release being picked up by the media. A unique angle can be developed by looking at your story from different perspectives.

Some ways to find a unique angle are to:

- Think about what makes your story unique

- Talk to people who are affected by your story

- Research similar stories and see how you can make yours stand out

Keep in mind that reporters receive hundreds, if not thousands, of press releases each day as you are writing your press release.

It's incredibly important to have a unique angle because if you don't have one, then your press release will likely be ignored.

Ok, now that we discussed some of the strategic elements, let's jump in and get to writing!

Draft your headline and opening paragraph

Your headline is one of the most important elements of your press release because it is what will grab the attention of reporters and make them want to read more. A good headline should be clear, concise, and to the point. It should also include keywords to help your press release appear in search engines.

The opening paragraph is also important because it should provide a brief overview of your story and its newsworthiness. This is where you will want to include the who, what, when, where, and why of your story. You will also want to include any quotes that you may have.

Here are some tips for writing a headline and opening paragraph that will grab attention:

- Use active voice

- Include keywords

- Keep it short and to the point

- Use strong verbs

- Hook the reader in with an interesting fact or statistic

- Make sure your opening paragraph tells the complete story

Now that you have a draft of your headline and opening paragraph, it's time to move on to the body

Write the body of your press release

The body of your press release should provide more details about your story. This is where you will want to include quotes from people who are affected by your story and any statistics or data you may have. You will also want to make sure that the body of your press release is newsworthy and interesting.

Here are some tips for writing the body of your press release:

- Use active voice

- Include quotes and statistics

- Keep it newsworthy

- Make sure it is interesting

- Check for grammar and spelling errors

Proofread and revise your press release

Once you have a press release draft, it's time to revise and proofread it. This is where you will want to double-check for grammar or spelling errors. You will also want to make sure that your press release is clear and concise. If it isn't, you will want to revise it until it is.

Distribute your press release to local media outlets

Now that your press release is ready to go, it's time to distribute it to local media outlets. You can do this by sending it through email or by using a press release distribution service.

When you are distributing your press release, you will want to make sure that you include the following:

- The name of the media outlet

- The name of the reporter

- The date and time that you would like the press release to be published

- A link to your press release

- Your contact information

By following these tips, you will be able to write a press release that gets you local visibility. So get out there and start promoting your business! Thanks for reading! And if you want experts to do this for you, feel free to call us.

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Tom Carroll