Secrets to ranking higher in the Instagram algorithm


It's no secret that the Instagram algorithm has changed a lot over the past year. In fact, it seems to be changing all the time! This can make it tough to figure out how to rank higher in the new Instagram algorithm and get your posts seen by more people on the explore page. Don't worry, though - we've got you covered! In this blog post, we will share some secrets to ranking beat the Instagram algorithm. These secrets will definitely help you to take your posts to Instagram explore page. So gear up to understand how Instagram algorithm works to increase your reach and get more exposure for your business or brand!

Why choose Instagram?


There are a lot of reasons to choose Instagram as a platform for your business or brand. First, it has a huge user base - over 800 million active users! That means that there is a large potential audience for you to reach. Additionally, Instagram is extremely visual, which can be great for businesses or brands that have products or services that are visual in nature. And, last but not least, Instagram is a great platform for building relationships with your audience. The Instagram algorithm changes frequently but some things stay the same.

So, now that we've covered why you should be on Instagram, let's get into how to rank higher in the algorithm!

Instagram content

When it comes to ranking higher in the Instagram algorithm, the content you post is extremely important. Posting high-quality, engaging content that will resonate with your audience will work for IG algorithm. Additionally, you should try to post a mix type of content- photos, videos or carousel- to keep your feed interesting and to appeal to the widest possible audience.

Another great way to beat the Instagram algorithm is to post Instagram reels. Reels are short, fun videos that you can create on the platform. They're perfect for grabbing attention and keeping people engaged. Plus, they're a great way to show off your products or services in a creative and exciting way. You can also share behind the scenes of different projects on Instagram stories.

When you use different features of Instagram like this you are more likely to be seen as a high-quality account and will be pushed up in the algorithm.

Use hashtags to increase your reach


One of the best ways to increase your reach on Instagram is to use hashtags. Hashtags help users discover your content, and they can also help you to get featured in the top posts for a particular hashtag. You can combine hashtags with the description that basically contains information about the post. When choosing hashtags, be sure to choose ones that are relevant to your business or brand. Additionally, try to mix up the hashtags that you use - don't just use the same ones over and over again. And, last but not least, make sure to use a mix of popular and niche hashtags. By doing this, you'll be able to reach a wider audience and get more exposure for your business or brand!

Post regularly and at the right times


Another great way to increase your reach and get more exposure on Instagram is to post regularly. Also, you need to find the best time to post. Try posting at different times first to see when your followers are active. You can also analyze the performance of your content through Instagram analytics. When it comes to frequency, there is no magic number - just try to post as often as you can without being too spammy. As far as timing goes, research has shown that the best times to post on Instagram are Monday through Friday at around noon. Of course, you'll want to experiment a bit to see what works best for you and your audience. But, in general, posting during the workweek at around lunchtime is a good strategy!

Engage with other users


Instagram is to engage with other users. When your engagement is high with other users, you're essentially increasing your chances of being seen by their followers. So, how can you engage with them? One great way is to leave comments on their posts. But, don't just leave any old comment - try to add something valuable or thoughtful. Additionally, you can also tag other users in your posts. And, last but not least, you can share other users' content on your own feed. By doing this, you'll not only get more exposure, but you'll also build relationships with other users - which is always a good thing!

Use relevant filters


When it comes to filters, there is no right or wrong answer. It really depends on your business or brand and what will look best for your audience. However, we would recommend avoiding filters that heavily alter the appearance of your photos. Instead, try to use filters that enhance the colors or add a bit of contrast. Additionally, you can also use filters to add a bit of personality to your photos. Just experiment and see what looks best!

Geotag your posts


One tip for increasing your reach and exposure on Instagram is to geotag your posts. Geotagging is simply adding your location to your posts. When you do this, your posts will appear in the "Explore" section for that location. And, as you can imagine, this can be a great way to get discovered by new users! So, if you haven't been geotagging your posts, now is the time to start!

Add a website link in your bio

One of the best ways to increase your reach on Instagram is to add a website link in your bio. By doing this, you're essentially giving users a way to learn more about your business or brand. And, as you can imagine, this can be a great way to get more exposure!

So, if you haven't been adding website links to your bio, now is the time to start!

Don't edit after posting

One final tip for increasing your reach on Instagram is to not edit after posting. When you edit a post, it resets the "engagement" clock - which can actually cause your post to lose exposure. So, if you want to get more exposure for your posts, make sure to not edit them after they've been published!

Now that you know the secrets to ranking higher in the Instagram algorithm, it’s time to put them into action! Start by optimizing your profile and using hashtags relevant to your niche. Post consistently and make sure your images are high quality. And don’t forget to engage with your followers – that’s one of the best ways to boost your engagement rate and get more exposure. Are you ready to take your Instagram account to the next level? Try out these tips and see how they work for you. We can’t wait to see the results!

Tom Carroll